100 Level COR 3 - COR Livestock Production Standards

Non member Price: $300

Course Description

COR Livestock Production Standards, a 100 level course and the third in this series, will:

  • Navigate the livestock production standards
  • Explain the intent of the standards and additional resources
  • Assess the standards; assessment of scenarios based on the Canadian organic standards (COS).
  • Develop critical thinking skills essential to Verification Officers.


Participants should expect to spend 10-12 hours on the self-paced course; some participants will need to spend more. 


Participants need to take SDL COR 1 (COR Regulation) if they haven’t already. Participants that plan to take the LOL Livestock course and haven’t taken a Crop course or aren’t already inspecting crops (one or the other), will need to take COR 2 (COR Crop Production standards) as well.