200 Level Dairy Feed Audit

Non member Price: $325

Course Description

The course includes five hours of recorded presentations, a pre-course and mid-course assignment, practice exercises and a final exam. Once started the course must be completed within 30 days. The course focus is organic certification requirements to the NOP Standards.

Learner Outcomes:

  • Proficiency calculating Dry Matter Demand, Dry Matter Intake and Pasture DMI and Day Weighted Averages
  • Determining Body Condition Scoring
  • Evaluation of typical pasture conditions and production in multiple Bioregions
  • Understanding varied Grazing, Milking, Feed Storage and Housing Systems
  • Assessing Risk on Organic Dairies
  • Increasing basic knowledge of Forages, Grains and Concentrate Feed Values

IOIA's Dairy Feed Audits online course is taught by experienced organic inspectors Nate Powell-Palm and Jonda Crosby. Nate and Jonda are dairy inspectors, have experience as certified organic operators - Nate with a multi-species livestock operation and Jonda as a crop farmer and livestock feed handler.


Once started, the course must be completed within 30 days.


Participants are eligible to take this course who have completed course work from IOIA including the 100 Level Livestock Standards Webinar, Basic Livestock Inspection Course, OR Livestock Inspection Field Training. Others that would qualify for the course include current inspectors and those with knowledge of the National Organic Program regulations, auditing, a background in livestock husbandry and crop production.